Born in 1986 in Gushigawa City (now Uruma City), Okinawa Prefecture. In his final year of high school, he began helping his uncle, a master potter and Shisa maker, and learned the art of modeling. In 2008, he won the Urasoe Mayor’s Prize at the 60th Oki Exhibition, and in 2017, he won the 69th Oki Exhibition’s Oki Exhibition Prize for his powerful ceramic work “Wind God and Thunder God”.
Recent exhibitions include “Toma Yuji Yachimun Exhibition”(Kaikai Kiki Gallery, 2024), “Kuniyoshi Seisho Homage Exhibition” (Kaikai Kiki Gallery, 2024), “Tokyo Wild Clay” Tsuchitomo Exhibition (Kaikai Kiki Gallery, 2024), “Tsuchitomo no Hakaba” (Kaikai Kiki Gallery, 2023), “Yuji Toma: Sometsuke” (Tonoto, 2023), “Dokonjōyaki: Naoki Wada & Yuji Toma” (Gallery Lafayette, 2021), “Yuji Toma: Aku” (Tonoto, 2020).
Born in Gushigawa City (now Uruma City), Okinawa Prefecture.
“Yuji Toma Yachimun Exhibition” Kaikai Kiki Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
“Yuji Toma: Sometsuke” tonoto (Kyoto, Japan)
“Yuji Toma: Aku” tonoto (Kyoto Japan)
“Kuniyoshi Seisho Homage Exhibition” Kaikai Kiki Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
“Tokyo Wild Clay” Tsuchitomo Exhibition Kaikai Kiki Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
“Tsuchitomo no Hakaba” Kaikai Kiki Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
“Dokonjōyaki: Naoki Wada & Yuji Toma” Gallery Lafayette (Okinawa, Japan)